H-C. Ho, Y-T Chang, and Y-S Chang* (2023) "A Multi-Factor Flood Resilience Index for Guiding Disaster Mitigation in Densely Populated Region", Water Research (under review)
C-C Huang, H-C. Ho*, J-S Lai, and F-Zuo Lee (2023) "Experimental Study with Hydraulic Modeling of a Reservoir Desilting Operation using a Sediment Bypass Tunnel", Environmental Earth Sciences (accepted)
H-C. Ho, K-J Zhan, S-H Chang, C-C Huang* (2023) "Three-Phase Data Augmentation for the Prediction of Sediment Flux in Mountain Basins during Typhoon Events" Journal of Hydroinformatics, https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2023.214
H-C. Ho*, Y-W Chiu, T-Y Chen, and Y-C Lin (2023) "Flow Measurement in Open Channels using Imaging Techniques in conjunction with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)", Journal of Hydrology 618, 129183, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129183
Y-S Cheng, H-C. Ho*, and L-Y Huang (2022) "Evaluation of Low Impact Development for Resilient Capacity in Urban Area with Flood Resilience Index" Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12877. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12877
H-C. Ho, H-Y Lee, Y-J Tsai and Y-S Chang* (2022) "Numerical Experiments on Low Impact Development for Urban Resilience Index" Sustainability, 14(14), 8696, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148696
Y-C Lin, H-C. Ho*, T-Z Lee, and C-H Chen (2022) "Application of Image Technique to Obtain Surface Velocity and Bedform in Open Channel Flow" Water 14(12), 1895
H-C. Ho, Y-M Chiang, C-C Lin, H-Y Lee, C-C Huang* (2021) "Development of an Interdisciplinary Combining Sediment Transport Simulation and Ensemble Method", Water 13 (18), 2588
H-C. Ho, Y-T Lin, M Muste* (2020) "Velocimetry Based on Self-Generated Surface Wave Patterns", Water 12(9), 2342
H-C. Ho, S-W Lin, H-Y Lee, C-C Huang* (2019) "Evaluation of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Low Impact Development in Overcrowded City", Water 11(10), 2010
K-H Yang, S-B Wei, W-M Adilehou, H-C. Ho (2019) "Fiber-reinforced internally unstable soil against suffusion failure", Construction and Building Materials 222, 458-473
Q Feng, H-C. Ho, T Man, J Wen, Y Jie, X Fu* (2019) "Internal Stability Evaluation of Soils", Water 11 (7), 1439
C-C Huang, W-C Lin, H-C. Ho*, Y-C Tan (2019) "Estimation of Reservoir Sediment Flux through Bottom Outlet with Combination of Numerical and Empirical Methods", Water 11 (7), 1353
C-C Huang, H-T Fang, H-C. Ho, B-C Jhong* (2019) "Interdisciplinary application of numerical and machine-learning-based models to predict half-hourly suspended sediment concentrations during typhoons", Journal of Hydrology 573, 661-675
Z Gu, H-C. Ho, Z Wang, YT Lin* (2018) "Laboratory Studies on Nearshore Density-Driven Exchange Flow over a Partly Vegetated Slope", Water 10 (8), 1073
Y-M Chiang, RN Hao, H-C. Ho, T-J Chang, YP Xu* (2017) "Evaluating the contribution of multi-model combination to streamflow hindcasting by empirical and conceptual models", Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (9), 1456-1468
ZL Sun, JG Jiao, SJ Huang, YY Gao, H-C. Ho, D Xu (2017) "Effects of Suspended Sediment on Salinity Measurements", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 43 (1), 56-65
Z He, L Zhao, T Lin, P Hu, Y Lv, H-C. Ho, Y-T Lin (2017) "Hydrodynamics of gravity currents down a ramp in linearly stratified environments" Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143 (3), 04016085
D. Kim, H-C. Ho*, S.Baranya, M. Muste (2016) "Qualitative and Quantitative Acoustic Mapping of Bedform Dynamics", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 50, 80-89
M. Muste, S. Baranya, R. Tsubaki, D. Kim, H-C. Ho, H. Tsi, and D. Law (2016) "Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry" Water Resources Research, (52)5, 4132-4150
K. Basnet, G. Constantinescu*, M. Muste, H-C. Ho (2016) “Close Range Photogrammetry for Tracking Drifted Snow Deposits” Cold Regions Science and Technology, 121, 141-153
Z. He, H. Weng, T. Wu, H-C. Ho, T. Lin, and Q. Ran (2015) "Impact of moving rainfall events on hillslope pollutant transport" Environmental Earth Sciences 74(7), 5989-5999
H-C. Ho, and Y.-T. Lin* (2015) "Gravity currents over a rigid and emergent vegetated slope" Advances in water resources 76, 72-80
K. Basnet, G. Constantinescu,*, M. Muste, H-C. Ho (2015) "Method to Assess Efficiency and Improve Design of Snow Fences" Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141(3), 04014136
K. Lee, H-C. Ho*, M. Muste, C-H. Wu (2014) “Uncertainty in Open Channel Discharge Measurements Acquired with StreamPro ADCP” Journal of Hydrology, 509, 101-114
M. Muste, A. Hauet, I. Fujita, C. Legout, H-C. Ho* (2014) "Capabilities of Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry to Characterize Shallow Free-Surface Flows" Advances in Water Resources, 70, 160-171
Y. Wang, M. Palitano, H-C. Ho, M. Muste, F. Michell, J. Stalings (2014) "Assessment of ice plugging of a cooling water intake by a numerical model", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52(1), 81-92
Z. He, H. Weng, H-C. Ho*, Q. Ran, and M. Mao (2014). "Soil Erosion and Pollutant Transport during Rainfall-runoff Processes", Water Resources, 41(5), 604-611.
H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and R. Ettema (2013) "Sediment Self-Cleaning Multi-box Culverts", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51(1), 92-101
H-C. Ho*, M. Muste, S. Plenner, and A. Firoozfar (2013) "Complementary experiments for hydraulic modeling of multi-box culverts" Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(4), 324-333
M. Muste*, H-C. Ho, and D. Kim (2011). “Considerations on Direct Stream Flow Measurements Using Video Imagery: Outlook and Research Needs,” Journal of Hydro-environment Research 5(4), 289-300
A. Hauet*, M. Muste, and H-C. Ho (2009). “Digital Mapping of Riverine Waterway Hydrodynamic and Geomorphic Features,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34, 242-252
W-S. Yu, H-C. Ho, H-Y Lee (2006) "Study on Settling Velocity of Cohesive Sediment" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 18(1), 75-82
Y-C Lin, S-Y Chen and H-C. Ho (2022) "Bedform Measurements with LSPIV for Open Channel Flow", IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain
Y-T Chang, Y-S Chang and H-C. Ho (2022) "Assessment of Flood Mitigation Capability by Flood Resilience Index", IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain
YD Wang and H-C. Ho (2019) "Evaluation of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Low Impact Development in Planning Urban Area", International Conference on Smart Cities, Seoul, Korea
S Wei, H-C. Ho, H-Y Lee (2019) "Optimization of Low Impact Development for Flood Mitigation in Highly Concentrated Region – Case Study for New Taipei City", International Conference on Smart Cities, Seoul, Korea
Y-J. Tsai, H-C. Ho, S-W. Lin, H-Y. Lee (2019) "Optimization of LID practices on water quantity and quality for the overdeveloped city", EGU, Vienna, Austria
Y-W Chiu and H-C. Ho (2019) "Can Convolution Neural Network Improve the Discharge Measurement using Particle Image Velocimetry Method?", EGU, Vienna, Austria
C-Y Sung and H-C. Ho (2019) "Estimation of Open Channel Surface Velocity with Faster Region-Convolutional Neural Networks", EGU, Vienna, Austria
H-C. Ho and Y-M Chang (2018) "Comparison of several dynamic-feedback neural networks in synthetic and hydrological time-series", AOGS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, USA
H-C. Ho, T-J Chang, Y-M Chang (2017) "Evaluation the Contribution of Multi-model Combination to Streamflow Hindcasting by Empirical and Conceptual Models", AOGS Annual Meeting, Singapore
H-C. Ho and T-J Chang (2017) "Study on Morph- and Hydro-dynamics of Culverts", Sediment Bypass Tunnel Annual Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
M. Muste, S. Baranya, R. Tsubaki, D. Kim, H-C. Ho, H. Tsai, and D. Law (2015) "Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry Proof-of-Concept Experiment" Proceedings 35thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Hague, Netherlands
H-C. Ho, H. Weng, Z. He (2013) “Experimental study on soil erosion and pollutant transport during rainfall-runoff processes” AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
H-C. Ho, K. Lee, M. Muste (2013) “Estimating Uncertainty of Discharge Measurement with ADCP” Proceedings 35thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Chengdu, China
H-C. Ho, S. Plenner, and M. Muste (2012) "Investigation of flow field upstream a multi-barrel culvert using non-intrusive techniques" Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
H-C. Ho, A. Firoozfar, and M. Muste (2012) "Turbulence characteristic measurement in evolving scour hole upstream of the multi-barrel culvert" Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
M. Muste, H-C. Ho, and N. Chase (2012) "A novel image-based technique for open-channel velocity measurements" Proceedings Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods, Snowbird, Utah, USA
M. Muste, H-C. Ho, and K. Lee (2012) "Assessment of the conceptual bias on the rating curve uncertainty" Proceedings Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods, Snowbird, Utah, USA
H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and A. Firoozfar (2012) "Hydro- and morphodynamics tracking of the evolution of a culvert-attached scour hole" Proceedings River Flow 2012 San José, Costa Rica
N. Arnold, U. Shanker, H-C. Ho, and M. Muste (2011) “Cyberinfrastucture for Intelligent Digital Watersheds” Proceedings Hydrologic Data and Information Systems, Logan, Utah
H-C. Ho, and M. Muste (2011) “Sedimentation of Multi-barrel Culverts” Proceedings River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Beijing, China
H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and R. Ettema (2011) “Investigations on Self-Cleaning Culvert Designs” Proceedings 34thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Brisbane, Australia
M. Muste, H-C. Ho, and H. Zheng (2011) “Streamflow Rating Curves during Floods” Proceedings 34thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Brisbane, Australia
H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and J. Gonzalez-Castro, and S. Mishra (2009). “Lessons Learned from LSPIV Measurements in Shallow, Low –velocity Flows and Floods” Proceedings 33rd International Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada
H-C. Ho, and M. Muste (2009). “Sedimentation of Multi-Barrel Culverts,” Proceedings Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
A. Hauet, M. Muste, and H-C. Ho (2008). “Digital Mapping of Waterway Hydrodynamics, Banks, and Floodplain Using Imagery,” Proceedings World Environmental & Water Congress. Honolulu, HI
M. Muste, R. Ettema, and H-C. Ho (2007). “Sedimentation of Multi-Barrel Culverts,” Proceedings Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, IA