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  1. H-C. Ho, Y-T Chang, and Y-S Chang* (2023) "A Multi-Factor Flood Resilience Index for Guiding Disaster Mitigation in Densely Populated Region", Water Research (under review)

  2. C-C Huang, H-C. Ho*, J-S Lai, and F-Zuo Lee (2023) "Experimental Study with Hydraulic Modeling of a Reservoir Desilting Operation using a Sediment Bypass Tunnel", Environmental Earth Sciences  (accepted)

  3. H-C. Ho, K-J Zhan, S-H Chang, C-C Huang* (2023) "Three-Phase Data Augmentation for the Prediction of Sediment Flux in Mountain Basins during Typhoon Events" Journal of Hydroinformatics,

  4. H-C. Ho*, Y-W Chiu, T-Y Chen, and Y-C Lin (2023) "Flow Measurement in Open Channels using Imaging Techniques in conjunction with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)", Journal of Hydrology 618, 129183,

  5. Y-S Cheng, H-C. Ho*, and L-Y Huang (2022) "Evaluation of Low Impact Development for Resilient Capacity in Urban Area with Flood Resilience Index" Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12877.

  6. H-C. Ho, H-Y Lee, Y-J Tsai and Y-S Chang* (2022) "Numerical Experiments on Low Impact Development for Urban Resilience Index"  Sustainability, 14(14), 8696,

  7. Y-C Lin, H-C. Ho*, T-Z Lee, and C-H Chen (2022) "Application of Image Technique to Obtain Surface Velocity and Bedform in Open Channel Flow" Water 14(12), 1895

  8. H-C. Ho, Y-M Chiang, C-C Lin, H-Y Lee, C-C Huang* (2021) "Development of an Interdisciplinary Combining Sediment Transport Simulation and Ensemble Method", Water 13 (18), 2588 

  9. H-C. Ho, Y-T Lin, M Muste* (2020) "Velocimetry Based on Self-Generated Surface Wave Patterns", Water 12(9), 2342

  10. H-C. Ho, S-W Lin, H-Y Lee, C-C Huang* (2019) "Evaluation of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Low Impact Development in Overcrowded City", Water 11(10), 2010

  11. K-H Yang, S-B Wei, W-M Adilehou, H-C. Ho (2019) "Fiber-reinforced internally unstable soil against suffusion failure", Construction and Building Materials 222, 458-473

  12. Q Feng, H-C. Ho, T Man, J Wen, Y Jie, X Fu* (2019) "Internal Stability Evaluation of Soils", Water 11 (7), 1439

  13. C-C Huang, W-C Lin, H-C. Ho*, Y-C Tan (2019) "Estimation of Reservoir Sediment Flux through Bottom Outlet with Combination of Numerical and Empirical Methods", Water 11 (7), 1353

  14. C-C Huang, H-T Fang, H-C. Ho, B-C Jhong* (2019) "Interdisciplinary application of numerical and machine-learning-based models to predict half-hourly suspended sediment concentrations during typhoons", Journal of Hydrology 573, 661-675

  15. Z Gu, H-C. Ho, Z Wang, YT Lin* (2018) "Laboratory Studies on Nearshore Density-Driven Exchange Flow over a Partly Vegetated Slope", Water 10 (8), 1073

  16. Y-M Chiang, RN Hao, H-C. Ho, T-J Chang, YP Xu* (2017) "Evaluating the contribution of multi-model combination to streamflow hindcasting by empirical and conceptual models", Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (9), 1456-1468

  17. ZL Sun, JG Jiao, SJ Huang, YY Gao, H-C. Ho, D Xu (2017) "Effects of Suspended Sediment on Salinity Measurements", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 43 (1), 56-65

  18. Z He, L Zhao, T Lin, P Hu, Y Lv,  H-C. Ho, Y-T Lin (2017) "Hydrodynamics of gravity currents down a ramp in linearly stratified environments" Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143 (3), 04016085

  19. D. Kim, H-C. Ho*, S.Baranya, M. Muste (2016) "Qualitative and Quantitative Acoustic Mapping of Bedform Dynamics", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 50, 80-89

  20. M. Muste, S. Baranya, R. Tsubaki, D. Kim, H-C. Ho, H. Tsi, and D. Law (2016) "Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry" Water Resources Research, (52)5, 4132-4150

  21. K. Basnet, G. Constantinescu*, M. Muste, H-C. Ho (2016) “Close Range Photogrammetry for Tracking Drifted Snow Deposits” Cold Regions Science and Technology, 121, 141-153

  22. Z. He, H. Weng, T. Wu, H-C. Ho, T. Lin, and Q. Ran (2015) "Impact of moving rainfall events on hillslope pollutant transport" Environmental Earth Sciences 74(7), 5989-5999

  23. H-C. Ho, and Y.-T. Lin* (2015) "Gravity currents over a rigid and emergent vegetated slope" Advances in water resources 76, 72-80

  24. K. Basnet, G. Constantinescu,*, M. Muste, H-C. Ho (2015) "Method to Assess Efficiency and Improve Design of Snow Fences" Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141(3), 04014136

  25. K. Lee, H-C. Ho*, M. Muste, C-H. Wu (2014) “Uncertainty in Open Channel Discharge Measurements Acquired with StreamPro ADCP” Journal of Hydrology, 509, 101-114

  26. M. Muste, A. Hauet, I. Fujita, C. Legout, H-C. Ho* (2014) "Capabilities of Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry to Characterize Shallow Free-Surface Flows" Advances in Water Resources, 70, 160-171

  27. Y. Wang, M. Palitano, H-C. Ho, M. Muste, F. Michell, J. Stalings (2014) "Assessment of ice plugging of a cooling water intake by a numerical model", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52(1), 81-92

  28. Z. He, H. Weng, H-C. Ho*, Q. Ran, and M. Mao (2014). "Soil Erosion and Pollutant Transport during Rainfall-runoff Processes", Water Resources, 41(5), 604-611.

  29. H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and R. Ettema (2013) "Sediment Self-Cleaning Multi-box Culverts", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51(1), 92-101

  30. H-C. Ho*, M. Muste, S. Plenner, and A. Firoozfar (2013) "Complementary experiments for hydraulic modeling of multi-box culverts" Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(4), 324-333

  31. M. Muste*, H-C. Ho, and D. Kim (2011). “Considerations on Direct Stream Flow Measurements Using Video Imagery: Outlook and Research Needs,” Journal of Hydro-environment Research 5(4), 289-300

  32. A. Hauet*, M. Muste, and H-C. Ho (2009). “Digital Mapping of Riverine Waterway Hydrodynamic and Geomorphic Features,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34, 242-252

  33. W-S. Yu, H-C. Ho, H-Y Lee (2006) "Study on Settling Velocity of Cohesive Sediment" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 18(1), 75-82



  1. Y-C Lin, S-Y Chen and H-C. Ho (2022) "Bedform Measurements with LSPIV for Open Channel Flow", IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain

  2. Y-T Chang, Y-S Chang and H-C. Ho (2022) "Assessment of Flood Mitigation Capability by Flood Resilience Index", IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain

  3. YD Wang and H-C. Ho (2019) "Evaluation of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Low Impact Development in Planning Urban Area", International Conference on Smart Cities, Seoul, Korea

  4. S Wei, H-C. Ho, H-Y Lee (2019) "Optimization of Low Impact Development for Flood Mitigation in Highly Concentrated Region – Case Study for New Taipei City", International Conference on Smart Cities, Seoul, Korea

  5. Y-J. Tsai, H-C. Ho, S-W. Lin, H-Y. Lee (2019) "Optimization of LID practices on water quantity and quality for the overdeveloped city", EGU, Vienna, Austria

  6. Y-W Chiu and H-C. Ho (2019) "Can Convolution Neural Network Improve the Discharge Measurement using Particle Image Velocimetry Method?", EGU, Vienna, Austria

  7. C-Y Sung and H-C. Ho (2019) "Estimation of Open Channel Surface Velocity with Faster Region-Convolutional Neural Networks", EGU, Vienna, Austria

  8. H-C. Ho and Y-M Chang (2018) "Comparison of several dynamic-feedback neural networks in synthetic and hydrological time-series", AOGS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, USA

  9. H-C. Ho, T-J Chang, Y-M Chang (2017) "Evaluation the Contribution of Multi-model Combination to Streamflow Hindcasting by Empirical and Conceptual Models", AOGS Annual Meeting, Singapore 

  10. H-C. Ho and T-J Chang (2017) "Study on Morph- and Hydro-dynamics of Culverts", Sediment Bypass Tunnel Annual Meeting, Kyoto, Japan

  11. M. Muste, S. Baranya, R. Tsubaki, D. Kim, H-C. Ho, H. Tsai, and D. Law (2015) "Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry Proof-of-Concept Experiment" Proceedings 35thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Hague, Netherlands

  12. H-C. Ho, H. Weng, Z. He (2013) “Experimental study on soil erosion and pollutant transport during rainfall-runoff processes” AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

  13. H-C. Ho, K. Lee, M. Muste (2013) “Estimating Uncertainty of Discharge Measurement with ADCP” Proceedings 35thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Chengdu, China

  14. H-C. Ho, S. Plenner, and M. Muste (2012) "Investigation of flow field upstream a multi-barrel culvert using non-intrusive techniques" Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.

  15. H-C. Ho, A. Firoozfar, and M. Muste (2012) "Turbulence characteristic measurement in evolving scour hole upstream of the multi-barrel culvert" Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.

  16. M. Muste, H-C. Ho, and N. Chase (2012) "A novel image-based technique for open-channel velocity measurements" Proceedings  Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods, Snowbird, Utah, USA

  17. M. Muste, H-C. Ho, and K. Lee (2012) "Assessment of the conceptual bias on the rating curve uncertainty" Proceedings Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods, Snowbird, Utah, USA

  18. H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and A. Firoozfar (2012) "Hydro- and morphodynamics tracking of the evolution of a culvert-attached scour hole" Proceedings River Flow 2012 San José, Costa Rica

  19. N. Arnold, U. Shanker, H-C. Ho, and M. Muste (2011) “Cyberinfrastucture for Intelligent Digital Watersheds” Proceedings Hydrologic Data and Information Systems, Logan, Utah

  20. H-C. Ho, and M. Muste (2011) “Sedimentation of Multi-barrel Culverts” Proceedings River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Beijing, China

  21. H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and R. Ettema (2011) “Investigations on Self-Cleaning Culvert Designs” Proceedings 34thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Brisbane, Australia

  22. M. Muste, H-C. Ho, and H. Zheng (2011) “Streamflow Rating Curves during Floods” Proceedings 34thInternational Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Brisbane, Australia

  23. H-C. Ho, M. Muste, and J. Gonzalez-Castro, and S. Mishra (2009). “Lessons Learned from LSPIV Measurements in Shallow, Low –velocity Flows and Floods” Proceedings 33rd International Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (IAHR) Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada

  24. H-C. Ho, and M. Muste (2009). “Sedimentation of Multi-Barrel Culverts,” Proceedings Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  25. A. Hauet, M. Muste, and H-C. Ho (2008). “Digital Mapping of Waterway Hydrodynamics, Banks, and Floodplain Using Imagery,” Proceedings World Environmental & Water Congress. Honolulu, HI

  26. M. Muste, R. Ettema, and H-C. Ho (2007). “Sedimentation of Multi-Barrel Culverts,” Proceedings Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, IA

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